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Responding to Inquiries and Complaints from the Public

威尼斯官网在线(MCPS)学生的高质量教育计划可以通过所有人的和谐合作来实现. There will be times, however, 当个人可能需要向学校系统雇员进行查询或提出投诉时.

When complaints or concerns occur, 这些问题应在当地学校或在尽可能低的行政一级通过受影响个人之间合作协议的非正式进程加以解决. However, when the informal process fails to provide resolution, 个人有权提出正式投诉,并要求对学校系统工作人员作出的任何行政决定进行审查.

本页载有回应公众查询和投诉的正式和非正式程序的资料. 它提供有关必要程序、表格和可提供协助的办事处的信息. The administrative regulation (KLA-RA, see note),并可在所有MCPS学校索取所需表格, from any of the offices mentioned below, or on the MCPS Web in Adobe Acrobat PDF format: Regulation KLA-RA (22K PDF). (For related entries, see MCPS Policies, Section K: School Community Relations.)

How to proceed with the informal process

当地学校的校长定期发布有关合适的学校管理人员和其他工作人员的信息,他们可以在学校的具体问题上获得非正式的帮助. If you have not seen this information, or if you are uncertain about whom to contact, please call your local school. (See the Directory of Schools and Offices for contact information.) At that time, 请描述你的关注或投诉的一般性质,以便找出合适的人. Quite often, this will be the principal or assistant principal. (In the case of a unit that is not a school, such as an office or department, “负责人”是指本单位的负责人. See the Directory of Schools and Offices for contact information.)

At this informal stage, 所有人都应该尽可能友好和迅速地解决问题或投诉. 在这个非正式的阶段,你和学校都不需要保留任何记录. If you prepare anything in writing, please keep a copy. This could save a duplication of effort later.

What to do if you need assistance

尽管解决问题的第一步通常是在当地学校采取的, 如果您有一般的询问或需要帮助,可以联系学校系统的其他办公室.

General Inquiries


Public Information Office

Phone: 240-740-2837
TDD: 301-279-3323
Mail: 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Web: Public Information Office

Discrimination Inquiries or Complaints

关于种族歧视的调查或投诉, color, gender, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, age, disability, or sexual orientation, 包括关于美国残疾人法案的问题或第九条问题,如性别平等和性骚扰, contact:

MCPS Compliance Officer, Office of the Chief Of Staff

Maryland Relay: 1-800-735-2258
Mail: 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 162, Rockville, Maryland 20850

Contacting the Board of Education

如果你有问题,投诉,信息,或建议提请注意的 Board of Education and school officials, 或者如果你需要关于一般学校系统程序或政策的信息, contact:

Chief of Staff to the Board of Education

Phone: 240-740-3030 
Maryland Relay: 1-800-735-2258
Mail: 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 123, Rockville, Maryland 20850
More: Board of Education contact information

Section 504 Inquiries


Steve Neff, Director, Pupil Personnel Services

Phone: 301-315-7335
Maryland Relay: 1-800-735-2258
: 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 211, Rockville, Maryland 20850
: Department of Student Services

How to file a formal complaint

当一个问题或投诉没有通过非正式过程得到解决时, you may initiate the formal complaint process outlined below. 正式调查和投诉程序的完整程序载于威尼斯官网在线 行政法规KLA-RA:回应公众查询和投诉 (22K PDF).

The first step in the formal process is to obtain MCPS Form 270-8: Complaint from the Public (20K Adobe Acrobat PDF document that you may fill in on-screen, print, 并按照指示从学校或上面列出的任何办公室分发副本. Complete Part I and return it to the principal's office. 您可以在表格上附加描述性或支持性信息. Keep a copy of the form and any attachments.

When your complaint form is received at the school, 负责人或指定人员应在三(3)个工作日内与您联系以确定日期, time and place of a meeting to discuss your concern, if such a meeting has not already occurred. Usually, this meeting will take place within ten (10) work days.

Within 10 work days of receipt of the written complaint, or this meeting, if any, the principal should respond to you in writing with a decision.

有时投诉或其解决方案可能太复杂或, for other reasons, cannot be decided within 10 work days. In such cases, 校长将在前10天内与您联系,并安排将决定延期不超过10个工作日.

If you are not satisfied with the decision

If you are not satisfied with the written decision, 或者你的正式投诉没有在指定时间内得到答复, 你可要求督学考虑你的投诉. 你必须在主事人作出决定或决定作出之日起15个日历日内提出复审请求.

If you wish to request a review, forward MCPS Form 270-8: Complaint from the Public (19K PDF) to the Office of the Superintendent, 并附上一份说明,解释不同意该决定的依据.

The Office of the Superintendent of Schools will respond, 使用类似于校长遵循的程序和时间限制, as follows: (a) a meeting may be arranged within 3 work days; (b) a decision on the review within 10 work days after the meeting, if any; and (c) an extension of an additional 10 work days if the matter is unusually complicated or otherwise requires additional time.


Further appeals

如果你对督学的决定不满意, 你可以向蒙哥马利县威尼斯人在线官网提出上诉,然后向马里兰州威尼斯人在线官网提出上诉. (In addition, complaints alleging discrimination under the ADA, Section 504, or Title IX may be filed with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. 在涉嫌歧视事件发生后180天内.)

In appealing a decision of the superintendent, 你必须在督学作出决定之日起30个日历日内向蒙哥马利县威尼斯人在线官网提出上诉.

你对威尼斯人在线官网的上诉将按照 Board Policy BLB: Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings (30K PDF). If you need assistance with your appeal, contact:

Chief of Staff to the Board of Education

Phone: at 240-740-3030 
Maryland Relay: 1-800-735-2258
Mail: 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 123, Rockville, Maryland 20850
More: Board of Education contact information

注意:此处概述的程序不适用于解决由其他现有州或地方法规特别管辖的投诉, such as student suspensions and expulsions, employee grievances, special education appeals, student transfers, 根据马里兰州公共信息法要求提供信息, 以及根据《威尼斯人在线官网》提出的合理便利/修改要求.

Nondiscrimination Statement